Segmented, High-Speed Data Transfer for Every Mission.


Share Sensitive Intelligence Rapidly.

Deliver secure, automated, high-performance data transfer for every environment and mission with Everfox High Speed Guard.

Everfox High Speed Guard streamlines and secures data distribution between separated networks to protect data where it resides.

  • Fast transfer rates

    Sustain fast bi-directional data transfer rates of more than 9 GB/s, with latencies as low as 1.3 ms.

  • Accredited on NCDSMO Baseline

    Included on the U.S. National Cross Domain Strategy Management Office (NCDSMO) Baseline for TSABI & SABI since 2001. Designed to meet Raise the Bar guidelines.

  • Move data between environments: enterprise to battlefield

    Enables most U.S. enterprise cross domain data transfer capabilities; High Speed Guard SP delivers those capabilities to tactical forces – meeting SWAP-C requirements.

Automated High-Speed Data Transfer

  • Collaborate with Real-Time video streaming

    View real-time video streaming with control and auditing capabilities, and flexible data inspection engine for wide variety of data types and security policies.

  • Fully end-user maintainable

    Securely automate manual high speed data transfer and verification tasks. Automated secure transfer with a drop box interface with rates typical of 23-50GB/hr.

  • Employ R.A.I.N principles

    Dual filtering engines and robust security controls ensure that any security critical action is Redundant, Always invoked, Independent, and Non-bypassable.

Cybersecurity for power and utilities

Fast, flexible, cost-effective execution

  • 9GB/s

    Up to 9GB/s Bi-directional data transfer

  • 100

    Domains supported, any combination of data flows

  • 389%

    ROI (Forrester)